Tag: Code update
How can you have balancing dampers in a grease duct? I thought they were not allowed?
Here’s what NFPA 96 has to say about balancing dampers in commercial kitchen exhaust ducts. Chapter 9 Auxiliary Equipment 9.1 Dampers. 9.1.1 Dampers shall not be installed in exhaust ducts or exhaust duct systems. 9.1.2 Where specifically listed for such use or where required as part of a listed device or system, dampers in exhaust…
What is ASTM F1704 Standard Test Method for Capture and Containment Performance of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Ventilation Systems? How does it differ from U.L. 710 rating?
Simply put, the UL 710 Standard for Safety Exhaust Hoods for Commercial Cooking Equipment criteria is a fire safety test and the ASTM F1704 Standard Test Method for Capture and Containment Performance of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Ventilation Systems is a performance based test to determine the capture and containment threshold for any given hood under…